Monday, February 23


I was ambivalent towards Trav's interviews. Now I can't wait to do more.

We actually lit things, even George. Then we jumped into multiple modes of interviewing, with me being the subject first: questions from reality, questions from the movie, and then a total blur. And then George started movie-painting and things got weird (read: good). My cadence is a real benefit for me. I'm halting enough that I can change mid-sentence, which was definitely taken advantage of.

The odd revelation last night I had about the painting: it was easier for me to respond to the talking prompts, even though they required the most generation of content. It made me think about the power of words in a way that George usually does when he talks about how "the text is everything." In this case, it really was. The other side of that revelation was that my twitchy gestures that George cued, which in reality I do often, looked and felt so fake. What gives, fiction?

Overall, great. We gotta keep going. Don't never look away.

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