Sunday, February 22


Today, I described the movie, or should we call it the project, or is that too generous, the experience, to my parents and then one of Jacob's friends. What is it? Have you made any progress? Each day, we progress one day. Seven days left. Like Ernest Rutherford did with the Gold Foil Experiment, we are discovering that what we thought was solid matter is mostly empty space. We are doing what Thomas Pynchon recommended: "as a corollary to writing about what we know, maybe we should add getting familiar with our ignorance." I don't know what I want except that I want to make movies. And I don't know why. And I don't know what "movies" are. I know that people keep coming. And we eat well (burritos yesterday, pasta with chickpea-tomato sauce and kale and chocolate chocolate cookies tonight). We shoot a scene now and again (tonight: dino-stacking divination, first improvised, then movie-painted). We read each other's Tarot. We still have "spirited" discussions and fits of laughter. I am sad to read that the discussion "has really taken its toll on [Evan's] mental health;" but I know what he means. I am tired. I have ideas I don't bother to bring to the group. I talk when I don't want to anymore. Maybe this is a good thing, to work past the point of exhaustion, to work when there is nothing. To work.


Travis said...

I think it is absolutely right to work past the point of exhaustion. When you hit a wall as a runner, do you not try to keep going, knowing it is the only way to finish the race?

We also shot a chaotic scene of cookie making; George made cookies while David (movie painted by Jacob) tried to interfere, and I read random lines from a crappy comic book and did a little soundpainting. Totally nuts, but fun as always.

Jacob said...

I should add that we developed a new way of looking into the future:


1. Pick a signifi-dino as your foundation
2. stack them dinos
3. evaluate your stack based on dino placement, shape, and carnivore to herbivore ratio
4. Annihilate dinos via asteroid
5. Evaluate position of post asteroid dinos.

This is definitely in tune with the juju of the movie.